Pom Pom, Kanana and Nxabega Concession (NG27A)
Water and dry land
The concession covers around 400 kmĀ² and is restricted to only fifty guests in three small camps. The NG27 concession is in the heart of the OkavangoDelta and contains all the typical Delta environments you are seeking: riverine forest, open areas, invasive bushes and occasional floodplains.
Being one of the wettest parts of the Okavango Delta, water-based activities are abundant and provide a high quality experience throughout the year.
The area around Pom Pom is vast and beautiful, with many tiny islands dotted amidst wide open floodplains, often covered with wild date palm trees. When it comes to game: wildebeest, impala, zebra, lechwe and steenbok do well here, as well as giraffe; they love to relax under the acacia thickets. This area also knows a large herd of residential elephants, and lion and the spotted hyena are among the large predators. Cheetah, leopard and wild dog are seen occasionally. Birding is, as usual, very good and widely varied in this area.